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Programme for participants here!
New Media Arts Festival
Liepaja, Kurmājas pr. 13 (MPLab)
11.11. – 17.11.2018.
Family day. Workshops about art and technology
Workshops to all (especially school-age children and young people, families)
Workshop participants will have the opportunity to combine various new media technologies and Latvian handicraft traditions with the help of professional artists, acquiring skills in working with digital and analog technologies – creating designs of dolls and toys, adding various sensors, lights and sounds to created objects.
The workshop lasts about 40 minutes, no prior application is needed. Participation in the workshop is free of charge.
12:00 – 14:00 Skill Sharing workshop 1 || Jan Georg Glöckner “Close Encounter”
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch (not provided by MPLab)
15:00 – 17:00 Skill Sharing workshop 2 || Jacob Remin “A Body of Data”
19:00 Opening of the exhibition “Update 1.0” (MPLab artists and researchers, New Media Art doctoral students – Maija Demitere, Paula Vītola, Jānis Garančs, Signe Pucena)
20:00 – … Open Ideas evening with Zilvinas Lilas and Anna Priedola
Tuesday, 13.11.
10:00 Breakfast (provided by MPLab)
11:00 – 17:00 Workshops
18:00 – … Open Ideas evening (apply to give a presentation by email: maija.demitere@gmail.com)
Wednesday, 14.11.
10:00 Breakfast (provided by MPLab)
11:00 – 17:00 Workshops
Friday, 16.11.
13:00 – 17:00 Conference
Media skills – from media archaeology to techno-ecology
Presentations by doctoral students and doctoral candidates who will focus on topics such as media skills and knowledge, virtual and augmented realities and immersion, sound art.
Friday, 16.11. 18:00
Exhibition opening “UPDATE 2.0.” Opening of the Exhibitions of workshop results (MPLab basement)
Friday, 16.11. 21:00
Performance event and a concert (“Kursas putni”, Friča brīvzemnieka street 28)
Saturday, 17.11. 10:00 – 18:00
Exhibition “UPDATE 2.0”
The exhibition is free of charge
New media festival “iWeek: UPDATE” is organized by: Liepaja University Art Research Laboratory, MPLab and E-LAB, Center for Electronic Arts and Media. Supported by: State Culture Capital Foundation, VKKF and New Media Center for Culture, RIXC.
Contacts: Maija Demitere (maija@mplab.lv, +371 29948430)